Why Putting Yourself First is the Key to Embracing Your Full Expression (and no, it’s not selfish!)

Woman sitting on couch meditating with headphone on

As a Self-Expression and Embodiment Coach, one of the most common challenges I hear from women is the feeling of guilt when it comes to putting themselves first. You’ve probably heard the cliché, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” and while it might sound overused, its truth cannot be overstated.

When you don’t take time to nurture your own needs, prioritize your desires, and fill your cup, it becomes nearly impossible to show up fully in other areas of your life—whether it's for your family, friends, career, or even your passions. As women, we’re often conditioned to believe that self-sacrifice is a virtue, that tending to others before ourselves is what makes us worthy. But in reality, when we’re constantly giving to others and ignoring our own needs, we eventually find ourselves depleted, overwhelmed, and disconnected from our true selves.

The Power of Prioritising Yourself

It’s not selfish to put yourself first. In fact, it's the most empowering thing you can do. When you are fulfilled, nurtured, and aligned with your desires, you have more to give to those you love. You show up with more energy, enthusiasm, and authenticity in every aspect of your life. By prioritising your own well-being, you're able to serve others from a place of wholeness, rather than depletion.

Imagine waking up every day, not feeling exhausted or stretched thin, but feeling lit up, thriving, and truly embodying your full expression. When you pour into your own life first, you create space for your authentic self to shine, and that energy naturally radiates to others.

It’s Time to Reclaim Your Power

If you’ve been feeling like you always come last—constantly pushing aside your needs and desires—let me tell you, it’s time to shift that narrative. Prioritising yourself is essential if you want to live a life that feels fulfilling and aligned. It’s about saying ‘yes’ to yourself, reclaiming your power, and showing up as the woman you truly desire to be.

And you don’t have to do it alone. Whether you're just beginning this journey or deep into your personal growth, I’m here to support you in stepping into your full expression and creating the life you’ve always wanted.

Join Us and Take the First Step

If you're local to Melbourne, I have an incredible event coming up on October 19th (2024) that is designed to support you in reclaiming yourself as a priority—without the guilt. Imagine an immersive experience where you can focus solely on your desires, let go of old stories of self-sacrifice, and embrace the woman you are meant to be.

>>> Event details and tickets here <<<

Not local to Melbourne? No worries! There are plenty of other ways we can work together, wherever you are. Simply drop me a message, and we can explore how I can support you on your journey.

Remember, you are deserving of all that you desire. You can show up fully for yourself and others, but only when you first show up for you.


Q&A: How important is Spirituality in my business?