Q&A: How important is Spirituality in my business?

This answer was in response to the question @studiosoulstar asked when I joined her on the Outcast Creatives podcast last year.

For so long, I've been afraid to fully express that part of myself to the world in my business. It is so obviously a huge part of who I am. And some of my favourite modalities that I lean on when working with clients is spiritual tools, working with energy, tapping into the divine and my intuition. And it's been this huge part of my personal journey of feeling deeply connected to who I am at my soul.

This was one I thought I had dealt with and it's funny how more layers will just show up and that layers consistently show up in our lives when we are working through a particular issue or situation, we might have thought that it's done and dusted and then you get hit with something else that asks you to show up even more. And I'm sure this would come back to conditioning in childhood, to be more in my masculine, in that protector role, living in survival mode and operating from that space.

And so when you're in survival mode, I'd say that your divine feminine or your feminine essence is not as readily available to come through. And for me, my feminine essence is deeply connected to my spirituality, and it's what takes me higher in that respect. So to not be showing up fully as a spiritual business owner in my business - it hasn't felt complete, it hasn't felt as authentic as the reality is, I am spiritual AF.

I am really ready to peel back all of the layers and show up as my most authentic self even more because that's what I want for everyone in their lives also. And yeah, it's scary and I've got the fears and limiting beliefs coming up that I am working through, but I am CHOOSING to work through them so I can embody the higher self version of myself and in turn serve my clients and community in the most divine-lead, high frequency way possible.

So yes, spirituality is a massive part of my business and it's actually the core foundation of my business. I've built my coaching business around the premise of connecting in with your sacred self and the weaving of science and spirituality to take a holistic, person-centred approach in the work that I do.

This week, I will be unveiling a new service that I will be offering so stay tuned, this one has been a long time coming.


Why Putting Yourself First is the Key to Embracing Your Full Expression (and no, it’s not selfish!)


⚡⚡Shifting energy through dance💃🕺