Let me ask you this, are you having trouble…

🌱Speaking your truth?
🌱Communicating your needs? Or even knowing what they are for that matter.
🌱Expressing your emotions?
🌱Sharing your feelings?
🌱Moving through denser emotions and regulating your nervous system?
🌱Putting healthy boundaries in place?
🌱Connecting to your heart and love for yourself?
🌱Living your life as an authentic expression of who you?
🌱Tapping into your desires and what you want?


Are you longing to create a life that you really love for yourself?

If you answered yes to any of these questions

Then I invite you to

Join me on ⬇️

Courageous Woman


Set Yourself Free

The Path



Liberate Your Voice

Embody Your Energy

Embrace Your Full Expression

Become a Destiny Designer

Hey Powerful Woman 👋🏻 My name is Bonnie-Lea and it's a pleasure to meet you 😘

I am a Self-Expression & Embodiment Coach, and I am deeply passionate about you having the opportunity to reach your full potential and live a life you truly desire to be living, lit up and thriving as your most authentic self 💃

Hii 👋🏻 Is this you? ⬇️

So let me guess, you’re a people pleaser?

You’re passive about your needs?

You have hard time setting boundaries?

Being vulnerable is scary AF?

You know you’re not satisfied with your life and you’re READY to enter your Healing Era, your Direct Communication Era and your Take No Shit Era?

All in the name of consciously creating a life that you TRULY love for yourself?

Did I get it in one?

If you answered: Yup! That’s me…

Then I invite you to join The Path Program and walk beside an intimate group of women as you heal your relationship to vulnerability and become a desire-led woman ready to live your life Embracing Your Full Expression while you create a life you love💓

Let’s get one thing straight… You’re not alone.

I was just like you.

I used to not be able to speak about my emotions at all, could never share how I was feeling inside or I would feel like I would literally break.

I would shake, go bright red, stumbling through my words not knowing if what I was saying was making any sense. I felt like my emotions and how I was feeling was a burden to others, and that if I showed people how I was feeling then I would feel weak.

I never asked for help, I never leant on friends for support, even when I could have really used it. I was the eternal strong one.

I didn’t know what my needs were let alone how to communicate them properly and set boundaries. I found myself deep in people-pleasing.

I felt like I would break if I was vulnerable and shared my internal emotional landscape with another person, I didn’t know HOW to be vulnerable.

How was I meant to allow what was on inside to be expressed on the outside WITHOUT breaking?

As hard as we try, we cannot create our true desired life if we are hiding from or not connect to ourselves, our heart and our truth. If we aren’t tapped into our desires and anchored in our body, even if we do manage to call in things that we are wanting, often they aren’t fully aligned with our highest vision for what we would love our lives to look like and as a result we end up not feeling as fulfilled or satisfied.

So what changed for me?

I started learning and unlearning, gaining awareness.

I journeyed on the road of deep personal development.

I developed a relationship with my spirituality, my intuition, my connection with the Divine.

I joined a Women’s Circle and began to feel safe to open up to others.

I found community, in Sisters. I found community, in people who celebrated my authenticity.

I tested my new found courage and kept building evidence.

I educated myself in neuroscience, transformational coaching, somatic practices, spiritual practices, energetic practices.

I took programs, worked with mentors and coaches, read the books, listened to the podcasts.

I looked at every angle of my life and analysed it, asking am I fulfilled and satisfied here?

I let go of what and who was no longer serving me.

I devoted myself to healing, to growing and to stepping into the next level version of myself.

I devoted myself to not repeating unresourceful patterns.

I devoted myself to living a desire-led, heart-led, soul-led life.

After years of journeying down this path, I have created my signature LIVE intimate group program where we work with the potency of Sacred Circles and the magic of group EFT Tapping.

Across the program I share with you the most impactful tools, practices and learnings I’ve had from my journey through true personal liberation and into a desire-led life where I am the designer of my destiny.


To know yourself, deeply, and to love yourself, all parts of you.

To live your life connected to your heart, to your desires and as your fullest expression of who you are.

To communicate your needs, boundaries and feelings to others with confidence and grace.

To let go of the things that no longer serve you, with ease.

To unapologetically go after what it is you desire for your life.

To step fully into your Power and become the Woman who you came here to be.


You’re a Woman who is ready to go deep and clear out old conditioning that is holding you back from living the life you truly want for yourself

You want to be able to communicate with confidence and have vulnerability on your side as your superpower

You desire to step into your full expression and show up, unapologetically, in your world as all of who you are

You desire to connect more deeply to your heart, cultivate more self-love in your life and to own your worth

You’re ready to stand in conviction of your boundaries and allow your energy and your bodies innate Wisdom to guide you

You want to call in the next step in your journey and are ready to become the Woman you came here to be


It’s time for you to walk The Path and start living in a way that is authentically you while creating the life you truly desire to be living.

Welcome to

The Path Program

Envision your Expansion

Module One

Liberating Your Voice

  • Recognising and releasing your stories and conditioning you’ve received about using your voice and the power in vulnerability as a vehicle for calling in your desires (shared in Sacred Circle)

  • Group EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) to clear and recode your system so you can Liberate Your Voice

  • Focus on the brain and your thoughts and beliefs in response to communicating with others and standing in your power through vulnerability

Module Two

Embodying Your Energy

  • Dropping into the body and what happens in your body when you are thinking about using your voice to communicate your needs, standards or simply share your emotions (shared in Sacred Circle)

  • How your body communicates with you and learning to trust your bodies Divine wisdom

  • Emoting and embodiment practices

  • Self-soothing techniques and nervous system regulation

Liberate Your Voice ~ Embody Your Energy ~ Embrace Your Full Expression ~ Become a Destiny Designer


Liberate Your Voice ~ Embody Your Energy ~ Embrace Your Full Expression ~ Become a Destiny Designer 〰️

Module Three

Embracing Your Full Expression

  • We take a look at self-love and unconditional and conditional love of the self

  • Delve into self-worth and how it relates the standards we are willing to accept plus your empowered boundaries

  • Tapping into beliefs held around authenticity and being authentic in the real world

  • Group EFT Tapping to clear and recode your system for more self-love and self-worth to Embrace Your Full Expression

  • Energetics around communicating with the Universe and living your life in alignment with your truth

Module Four

Becoming a Destiny Designer

  • Living a desire-led life, connecting to your P*ssy and stepping into your Power

  • In Sacred Circle, sharing what you desire to call into your life, who you desire to become, what is it that you want?

  • Moving from the embodiment of your Full Expression as a portal for Manifestation and Magnetism for creating the life you TRULY love for yourself

  • Neuroscience & energetics of Manifestation to help you become a Destiny Designer in your own life

The finer details

Intimate group of Women

This is an intentionally small group program, capped at 8 courageous women, to help you really feel supported and held in the space for your growth and transformation

Coaching Calls & Sacred Womens Circles

LIVE group sessions to deeply explore the themes of the program, share in Sacred Circle and heal and elevate our beings to Becoming Destiny Designers

Supporting Resources, Meditations & Journal Prompts

Related to each modules theme to take you deeper and continue your self-evolution, expansion and embodiment

Sisterhood Community group

A place to share your wins, your challenges, your emotions and cheerlead for each other with support from me and ongoing access to the Sisterhood post-program

⬇️ The Path is calling me, put me on the waitlistl! ⬇️


And become a Destiny Designer living in your Full Expression connected to your Heart, your Voice and your Desires



You’ve let go of the things that no longer serve you, with ease and gratitude, to make way for the bigness of what you’re calling in next.

You show up in your world as all of who you are, in authentic alignment with your heart and your truth.

You set boundaries like a pro, you own your worth and have a deeper connection to yourself with an abundance of self-love.

You have beautiful strategies to help you move through your emotions, embody your energy and are connected to your body and her wisdom.

You’re tapped into your desires and allow them to guide you as you follow what lights you up, knowing that as you do, everyone benefits.

You stand fully in your Power and can see The Path to the incredible life you are creating for yourself.

Your Questions Answered

  • The Path is currently waitlisting for a mid-2024 start.

  • Yes! Each week there will be a two-hour live session held over Zoom as well as weekly modules which will drop in our Path Portal on Kajabi. There will also be the Sisterhood Community group where we will share and cheerlead each other as we move through the program.

  • Once the dates are set for the next round of The Path I will provide the times of the calls.

    You can calculate your timezone here.

  • Unfortunately the calls will not be recorded due to the nature of them. We dive deep and to honour what is shared in Sacred Circle and the group EFT Tapping.

    As this is a live program, the majority of the magic and transformation will happen during the live calls with the weekly modules (resources, practices, meditations and journal prompts) acting to support your journey and deepen your transformation.

    By committing to the live calls you are signalling to yourself and the Universe that you are serious about your growth and your desired outcomes. Take a chance on yourself.

  • A Sacred Circle in this instance is a Sacred Women’s Circle when we will come together and share what is on our hearts, minds and in our being in relation to the theme for each week.

    I will be holding space for you and the other women in the call. We will also honour the Sacred nature of Circles and hold space for each other when each woman shares.

    Sacred Circles are a deep and moving way to have your thoughts, emotions and feelings heard in a safe space and feel held and validated as you move through whatever is coming up for you.

    The depth and openness of heart that Sacred Circles evoke is the reason why I won’t be recording the live calls.

  • You will have lifetime access to both the Path Portal on Kajabi and the Sisterhood Community group as long is The Path Program is running.

    Which means you get access to any updates of content as the program expands and deepens and will continue to have the support of your Sisters throughout your journey in life.

    I will be holding other live events, such as Sacred Womens Circles and drop in activation lives, throughout the years as our Sisterhood Community grows.

  • You will have access to the Sisterhood Community group where I will be answering any questions or helping with what is coming up for you as well as celebrating your wins. I will respond to any posts in the group each day, Monday to Friday.

    You will also have my undivided attention during our live group calls each week. You will have my presence and support as I hold space for the Sacred Circles, group EFT Tapping and during our other activities during the call.

    To use our time effectively, it is best to ask any general questions in the group, this way if anyone else has a similar question we can share the learning.

  • I offer both single coaching sessions or a six-week coaching container where we can go deeper on your desires.

    You can message me on Instagram @bonnie_lea.elizabeth and we can chat about upgrading or adding on a 1:1 container.

  • You can reach out to me at anytime via Instagram @bonnie_lea.elizabeth and we can chat through any questions you may have 😘