Does any of this resonate with you?

You struggle with self-doubt when it comes to achieving your goals?

You feel like your the only one on your path?

You feel a sense of unworthiness of your greatest desires?

You find it difficult sometimes to see a clear vision of what you want for your future?

You crave something simple and easeful to help you when you are lacking confidence and courage to go after what you want?

No matter how hard you push, you just can’t seem to break down the barriers that are in the way of fully creating a life you love?

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way.

“I loved your ability to hold a safe space that felt light and to speak to what was on my mind without judgement or criticism. I loved your energy and ability to connect with all those attending with ease. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who struggles with self doubt or racing thoughts, or who doesn’t feel worthy of their goals or potential. This work is revitalising and a breath of fresh air for anyone feeling the impact of the stressors of life, it will ground you and allow you to find the potential inside yourself”


Sacred Self Manifestation Journey

The Workshop

Reconnect with your Sacred Self through this healing Manifestation Journey where a blend of guided meditation, group EFT tapping and movement practice assists you to begin to uncover, clear and recode unresourceful limiting programming and shift your beliefs into ones of empowerment and expansion so you can go after what you truly desire for your life.

“Bonnie-Lea was a beautiful facilitator, the ease I felt around her to open up, because of the comfortable and safe container she co-created. I also valued the way Bonnie-Lea put together the statements from the EFT. During my vision in the meditation where we imagined our child selves staring back to us, all of the little Amy's were so proud of me and supportive of the person I had become, and supported me stepping through the door to my manifestation. I've never had a vision that deep and positive. I would 100% recommend this workshop to those who are wanting to see visions clearly and break down their familiar patterns of unworthiness. Those who want to make change and try new modalities of therapy”

— Amy

“Bonnie-Lea facilitated the space well and made everyone feel heard and included. I felt like I tapped into a part of my emotions that I wasn’t expecting and it was very moving and afterwards the energy was a lot lighter and I ended up feeling really good for a while. I had an awesome experience. This workshop would be ideal for anyone with an open heart and mind. This medium for healing could be really widely appreciated”

— Travis

Upcoming workshops

Recent workshops

Embrace Your Full Expression | Geelong | 14 September @ Good Folk Yoga

Saturday 9 March - Esoteric Festival

“Beforehand I was feeling a bit lost and needed some comfort and direction. Afterward I felt as if I had integrated aspects of myself that had previously felt unstable and fractured. I felt seen, heard and safe in exploring more of myself and my current goals. I felt a major shift during the final tapping process, and during the meditation at the conclusion of the workshop. This workshop will help you move through things that have been holding you back, possibly for years. Be prepared for change”


New Workshop


New Workshop 〰️

Embrace Your Full Expression

Sneak peek…

Courageous woman, the time has come to set yourself free and lovingly embrace your full expression. Make vulnerability your superpower as a blend of group EFT tapping and meditation assists you to break down the barriers to knowing and owning your worth and living your life in your full expression.

Interested in attending a workshop and want to get on the list now?

Fill in a connection form and Bonnie-Lea will be in touch about upcoming dates and get you ready for your journey