We don’t all start from the same start point

Everybody starts from different start points. And I want to acknowledge that when I say to you that I can help you create the life that you desire to be living. I know that statement might be intimidating for some, might feel unbelievable or unachievable, because we all start from different start points and for some, they are born into circumstances that have them on the back foot from day one.

Whether it is the part of the world we are from, where we are living, the colour of our skin, whether we were born a boy or a girl, how sober or wealthy our family was. All of us experience some level of advantage or disadvantage in our lives on a scale. And whether that disadvantage is from growing up in a family where violence and aggression were the norm, growing up unsupported by those around you, being conditioned by the ideals of society, being a person of colour in a white colonised country and having to deal with the ways that affects your life, daily. I could go on. I want to acknowledge that not everybody comes from the same start point. And wherever you're starting from, it's your story and your journey. And desire looks different to everybody.

If you think about the phrase 'create the life that you desire to be living', what comes to mind?  Is it grandoise mansions or fancy cars, high paying jobs or living a nomadic life? What comes to mind might not even be your true desire, because everyone has different desires and if we haven't done the work to push past what society tells us is the 'dream life' then we might not even know our own desires for ourselves.

It's totally okay for someone to desire to live in an expansive house, on land, near the water and if that's the end goal, let's get to it. But it's just as okay for someone to desire to be able to have a better mindset around the way that they speak to their kids or their colleagues, to have a deeper more loving relationship with themselves, be more confident so that they can go after the promotion that they want, be a better husband to their wife, or start the business they've been dreaming about.

Desires do not have to always be that big end goal of some humongous thing that feels unachievable. We have desires at different levels. And we start our lives from different starting points. And I want to acknowledge that so that when you work with me there's no pressure to create something that is not yours, because that's what society or conditioning is telling you. There is no pressure for you to have a desire to be, look or do a certain thing. Let's explore and find out what you really want.
And no matter what your start point was in life or what desire you are looking to call in, I'm ready to work with you, in a safer space, to make that desire a reality.


⚡⚡Shifting energy through dance💃🕺


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